Many men are concerned that their hair volume is decreasing as they age.
There are many causes of male hair loss, but there is an urban legend that says "masturbating too much causes hair loss.
Are these rumors really true? This article details the relationship between masturbation and thinning hair based on medical evidence.
No predominant association between frequency of masturbation and hair loss
In conclusion, there is no clear relationship between frequency of masturbation (masturbation) and hair loss/thinning.
Therefore, for example, actions such as "refraining from masturbation because I don't want to be bald" or "holding back on masturbation (abstaining from masturbation) to improve thinning hair" have no medical basis and may result in baldness regardless of the frequency of masturbation.
Incidentally, ejaculation is not only a factor in masturbation, but also in sexual intercourse, and frequent sex is not considered to be a cause of hair loss or hair thinning.
Why is it said that "frequent masturbation makes you bald"?
So why has the discourse that "masturbating too often makes you flake" become so widely known?
This could be due to a variety of factors, but one particularly potent factor is the widespread discourse that male hormones are the cause of hair loss and thinning.
In other words, the theory that masturbation releases testosterone, a type of male hormone, and that this causes hair loss and thinning has been whispered about.
It is certainly true that masturbation stimulates the secretion of male hormones, and it is not unreasonable for the general public without medical knowledge to believe this as a correct theory.
However, male hormones are not the only direct cause of hair loss and thinning hair, and the above is a false statement.
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Actual male pattern baldness (AGA) causes and mechanisms
If excessive masturbation is not linked to hair loss and thinning, what are the causes and mechanisms of male pattern baldness (AGA)?
Activity of 5-alpha-reductase
5-alpha-reductase is one of the metabolic enzymes in the human body and is divided into two types called type 1 and type 2.
Of these, type 2 5-alpha-reductase is abundant not only on the scalp but also in the underarms and pubic area, and high levels of the enzyme cause only hair to fall out easily despite the presence of dense body hair.
DHT (dihydrotestosterone) production
When 5-alpha-reductase combines with testosterone, a type of male hormone, a bad hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is produced.
DHT binds to an area in the hair follicle called the androgen receptor, causing an inhibitory effect on hair growth.
The reason why male pattern baldness (AGA) often results in the gradual loss of hair from the front and top of the head is that these areas are particularly susceptible to DHT.
Disturbance in the hair cycle
Human hair grows back in three cycles: growth phase, regression phase, and resting phase, which is called the hair cycle.
Normally, the growth phase lasts 3 to 5 years for men, but if the hair cycle is disturbed due to aging, stress, lifestyle, or other reasons, it shifts to the regression phase in a few months to a year.
As a result, the number of hair follicles in the regressive and resting phases increases, and hair volume decreases. In addition, the growth phase becomes extremely short, resulting in thinning of newly growing hair.
Appropriate frequency of masturbation to prevent balding
Even if it does not cause hair loss or thinning, many people are concerned that excessive masturbation may lead directly to some health risk.
It is important to understand the correct knowledge of how often is appropriate.
There is no definition of the appropriate number of times
In conclusion, there is no clear definition of masturbation frequency, such as "up to Fat per week" or "more than Fat per week.
Be aware, however, that too frequent masturbation may cause irritation of the pubic area.
Also, do it the right way, as a strong grip on the pubic area or violent movements can injure the pubic area and cause delayed ejaculation.
Correlation between frequency of masturbation and incidence of prostate cancer
Onanism has a variety of benefits, such as reducing stress and improving immunity, which can help prevent disease.
For example, a study by the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States found that men who ejaculate 21 or more times per month have a 20% lower risk of prostate cancer than men who ejaculate less frequently.
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Lifestyle habits to prevent balding
In order to reduce the progression of male pattern baldness (AGA), it is important to review your daily lifestyle. Here are six points to pay special attention to.
well-balanced diet
A nutritionally balanced diet is essential for hair growth. In particular, be sure to actively consume the following nutrients
nutrient | effect | Foods with high content |
protein | Main component that makes up more than 80% of hair
Maintain healthy, bouncy hair |
Meat, fish, eggs, tofu, natto, etc. |
vitamin B group | Stimulates blood circulation and sebum secretion
Promotes protein synthesis |
Liver, brown rice, nuts, etc. |
zinc (Zn) | Suppresses DHT production
Maintain normal hair cycle |
Oysters, beef (red meat), etc. |
Note that excessive consumption of fats and sugars leads to excessive sebum secretion, which can worsen the scalp environment and cause hair loss and thinning.
good (quality) sleep
During sleep, growth hormones are secreted that stimulate hair growth.
If sleep deprivation persists, the hormones necessary for hair growth will not be secreted sufficiently, causing a disruption of the hair cycle.
To ensure a good night's sleep, it is important to have a consistent bedtime and to refrain from using smartphones and tablet devices before bedtime.
moderate exercise
Moderate exercise improves blood circulation and helps deliver nutrients to the hair follicles.
Walking or jogging for about 30 minutes a day and strength training such as squats and sit-ups are also effective.
In addition, stretching after bathing and before bedtime improves blood flow throughout the body, which may help to promote restful sleep.
However, it is important to note that hard training increases the risk of injury for those who are not accustomed to exercise, and exercise itself may be stressful and counterproductive.
Stress Management
Stress is a fact of life in today's society and must be dealt with.
However, too much stress disturbs the autonomic nervous system, and the deterioration of blood flow makes it difficult for the hair to receive the nutrients it needs.
Stress can aggravate AGA, so try to relieve stress through hobbies and exercise as well as adequate rest.
Smoking cessation and sobriety
Tobacco and alcohol can also aggravate AGA.
For example, nicotine in cigarettes constricts blood vessels, which hinders blood flow to the hair follicles, causing AGA to progress.
Excessive alcohol consumption also puts a strain on the liver and interferes with the metabolism of nutrients necessary for hair growth.
Ideally, it is best to quit smoking and drinking completely, but if this is difficult, try reducing the number of cigarettes or setting aside one or two days a week for liver rest.
Proper Hair Care
Keeping the scalp environment clean is also important in preventing thinning hair.
In addition to shampooing without fail every day, be sure to wash your scalp gently with your fingers and not your fingernails.
In addition, since shampoos with strong cleansing power may cause irritation depending on the condition and constitution of the scalp, amino acid-based shampoos with relatively low irritation are recommended.
Dry washed hair promptly with a hair dryer, rather than leaving it untouched.
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AGA?" If you are wondering "Is it AGA?", please contact Men's Pride Clinic MITA TOKYO!
Hair problems are difficult to discuss with others, and even when people know they can receive treatment at a clinic, the psychological hurdle can be high.
There may also be cases where people are too busy with work to find time to visit the clinic, or where there is no clinic near their home or office, making it difficult to visit the clinic itself.
Men's Pride Clinic MITA TOKYO supports online medical care, so you can receive medical treatment and prescriptions without having to come directly to the hospital.
The consultation fee is also free for both initial and follow-up visits, and there is no cost other than the cost of the medication.
Since medical treatment is provided only over the phone, there is no need to worry about being seen, and even first-time visitors can use the service with peace of mind.
Furthermore, we take privacy into consideration by shipping medications under the name of the director or other individual, rather than the clinic name.
If you do not want people to know that you are undergoing AGA treatment, please feel free to consult with us first.
The rumor that "masturbating too much makes you bald" has no medical basis and is false knowledge.
There are many possible reasons for male hair loss, and the first and most important step is to review one's usual lifestyle.
In addition, since there is a possibility that AGA can be improved by receiving appropriate treatment, those who are anxious or psychologically resistant to medical examinations should feel free to contact Men's Pride Clinic MITA TOKYO, which supports online medical services.