Hair loss and thinning hair are major concerns for men, and many feel complex about it.

This type of alopecia is called AGA, and it can occur not only in middle-aged and older men, but also in those in their 20s.

However, early commitment to AGA treatment may help to eliminate the problems of hair loss and thinning hair.

This article will introduce the importance of early treatment of AGA, as well as specific treatment methods and costs that may be of concern.


AGA situation in 20s

When many people hear the term AGA, they often imagine that it occurs mostly in middle-aged and older men, but is it possible to develop the disease in one's twenties?

First, we will introduce what AGA is and its relationship to age.


What is AGA in the first place?

AGA, also called "androgenetic alopecia" or "male pattern baldness," refers to a decrease in hair volume due to the influence of male hormones and heredity.

Hair normally grows back in a cycle of 2 to 6 years, but a male hormone called DHT has the property of disrupting this cycle.

As a result, the hair grows back before it is fully grown, resulting in a decrease in hair volume.

Note that there are various patterns of hair loss and thinning.

There are three main types of AGA: Type O, in which AGA progresses from the top of the head; Type M, in which AGA progresses from the left and right sides of the forehead; and Type U, in which AGA recedes from the center of the forehead.


Can it occur in one's 20s?

As mentioned above, AGA is directly influenced by a male hormone called DHT, and is most often seen in middle-aged and older people, mainly in their 30s and beyond.

However, it is not caused by aging and can occur even in one's 20s.

In fact, many young people suffer from AGA, and in fact, it is said that the age at which AGA develops has been decreasing in recent years.

Therefore, instead of thinking "I'm still young, so I'll be fine," it is necessary to frequently check for increased hair loss on a daily basis and take countermeasures and treatment at an early stage.


Causes of AGA in the 20s

What are the possible causes of AGA progression in the 20s?


genetic factor

Heredity is a particularly significant cause of AGA.

If you have parents or grandparents in your family who show a tendency toward AGA, you may inherit genes that predispose you to hair loss and thinning, resulting in gradual thinning of the top of your head and hairline at a young age.


Hormonal balance changes

When testosterone, a type of male hormone, combines with 5-alpha-reductase, a substance called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is produced, which damages hair follicles.

Hormonal balance changes with age in many cases, but various factors other than age can cause hormonal imbalance, which can result in the development of AGA even in one's 20s.



Continued strong stress can disrupt the autonomic nervous system, resulting in poor blood circulation and hormonal imbalance. As a result, the hair growth cycle is also disrupted, making it easier to develop AGA.

In their 20s, the generation that graduates from college and begins working, stress accumulates due to sudden changes in living environment and work pressure, which can accelerate the progression of AGA.


Deterioration of lifestyle

Unhealthy lifestyle habits such as irregular and unbalanced diet, lack of sleep, and smoking may hasten the progression of AGA.

Younger people in particular tend to eat mainly fatty and sugary foods and to consume excessive amounts of alcohol, which can adversely affect hair health and lead to hair loss and thinning.


Related article: What is AGA [male pattern baldness]? |Doctors coming to your home



Can AGA be cured in one's 20s? The Importance of Early Treatment

For many 20-somethings, hair is a "natural" feeling to have, and developing AGA at a young age may come as a big shock.

However, recognizing the onset of AGA at an early stage and engaging in early treatment may relieve anxiety and worries.

To begin with, AGA is not a temporary alopecia but a progressive alopecia, and once it develops, it is said to be impossible to completely reverse the condition.

However, if treatment can be started promptly once symptoms are noticed, it may be possible to slow the progression of AGA and reduce the risk of thinning hair.

In addition, our hair grows back in cycles of two to six years, and the maximum number of times this hair cycle can occur in a lifetime is about 15 times.

When AGA develops, the hair cycle becomes extremely short and reaches the upper limit of 15 times in a short period of time.

As a result, if treatment for AGA is delayed, it may be too late at that point.


Types of AGA treatment in 20s

There are various ways to treat AGA, and the duration of treatment varies.

Here are some typical examples of what early treatment can look like.


medicine taken internally

The most commonly used form of AGA treatment is the prescription of oral medications.

Propecia" and "minoxidil," which are effective in controlling and preventing hair loss and thinning, are typical examples and are prescribed at many clinics.

Although it depends on the medication prescribed, it is generally taken only once a day, which is a relief for busy patients.

However, depending on one's constitution, there is a risk of side effects, so careful judgment must be exercised.


medicine for external use

Some ointments enhance hair growth by stimulating blood circulation in the scalp.

Minoxidil" is available not only as an oral drug but also as an ointment, and is often used in combination with several other drugs for treatment.



Mesotherapy is a treatment in which ingredients effective for hair growth and nurturing are injected directly into the scalp.

This is one of the treatments that can be expected to have excellent results, with drugs containing various ingredients such as highly concentrated growth factors and exosomes.

The frequency of mesotherapy treatment is generally once every few weeks, and it takes 6 months to a year to realize the effects of treatment, but it may vary depending on the condition and constitution of the hair.


hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is a method of physically planting hair in the area of the scalp where hair loss or thinning is a concern.

In addition to "hair transplantation," which uses the patient's own hair, there is also "artificial hair transplantation," which uses hair made from synthetic fibers and other materials.

All of the treatments introduced above aim to promote hair growth and nurture from the scalp, but hair transplantation cannot suppress the progression of AGA itself.

However, hair transplantation is more effective in a shorter period of time than other treatment methods and can pinpoint the area of concern to increase volume.


Cost of AGA treatment

Since AGA treatment is performed mainly for cosmetic purposes, it is in principle not covered by insurance and is an unregulated treatment.

The issue of cost is a concern there.

Although the cost of AGA treatment varies from clinic to clinic, we have looked up approximate prices for each of the treatment methods introduced above.


medicine taken internally

The cost of oral medication varies depending on the type of drug prescribed, but ranges from 3,000 yen to 7,000 yen per month.

However, in some cases, depending on the condition and progress of AGA, multiple oral medications may be prescribed in combination, and in such cases, the treatment cost may range from 10,000 yen to 20,000 yen.


medicine for external use

Topical medications are slightly more expensive than oral medications, ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 yen per month.

However, since topical medications are often prescribed in combination with other treatments rather than as a stand-alone prescription, the total cost may range from 10,000 to 20,000 yen or even more.



Mesotherapy is calculated as a per-treatment cost, not on a per-month basis as with oral or topical medications.

Since the drugs used vary from clinic to clinic, the cost of treatment ranges from 20,000 yen to 100,000 yen.

However, some offer plans that allow for multiple treatments at a lower cost per treatment.


hair transplantation

Hair transplantation varies depending on the number of hairs to be transplanted, but the minimum cost is 200,000 to 300,000 yen.


Successful AGA treatment in your 20s

Before and after baldness treatment|Baldness drug effects

For successful AGA treatment in one's 20s, it is important to have a clear understanding of the following points.


Start of treatment

Because AGA is a progressive alopecia and symptoms will worsen if left untreated, it is important to start treatment when the following signs begin to appear.

  • Hair has lost its elasticity and strength (hair becomes limp easily)
  • Receding hairline
  • Hair loss after shampooing or when waking up from sleep
  • Itchy scalp
  • I feel that the amount of dandruff has increased.


In particular, since AGA varies from person to person, accurate examination and diagnosis in the early stages of the disease will make it easier to select the best treatment options for one's condition.


Long-term treatment continuity

AGA treatment is not something that can be completed in a short period of time, but requires continuous care over a mid- to long-term span.

For example, it is not unusual for medication treatments such as "propecia" and "minoxidil" to take six months to a year or more to show results.

Furthermore, because AGA is progressive, stopping treatment halfway through increases the risk of recurrence.

Be sure to continue going to the hospital and taking medications during the treatment period, as well as reviewing your lifestyle and taking care of stress.


Choosing the right treatment method

Many treatment options exist for AGA treatment. It is necessary to select the appropriate treatment for your constitution, taking into consideration not only your current symptoms and progression, but also side effects.

See a specialist for a consultation, listen carefully to the explanation of each treatment method, and ask questions until you are satisfied with any concerns or questions you may have.


Choosing a Reliable Clinic

Particularly important for successful AGA treatment is to choose a clinic with experienced specialists and a proven track record.

To determine reliability, it is important that the patient's concerns and questions are addressed with sincerity and that questions are answered until the patient is satisfied.

In addition, recently there are Web sites that compare multiple clinics, where you can check reviews and reputations from patients, as well as actual cases.

See also: [Doctor's Supervision] What foods help improve erectile dysfunction?


For AGA treatment in your 20s, go to Men's Pride Clinic MITA TOKYO

For those in their twenties, even though they know that AGA treatment is best done as early as possible, there are many cases where the psychological hurdles are high or where busy work schedules make it difficult to come to the clinic.

In addition, many people think that if there is no clinic in their neighborhood that offers AGA treatment, it is difficult to go to the clinic and they have to give up the treatment.

Men's Pride Clinic supports online treatment, allowing patients to receive AGA treatment without worrying about being seen by others.

The clinic is available on weekdays as well as on weekends, so even those in their 20s with busy work schedules can receive treatment.

In addition, after the clinic, therapeutic drugs appropriate for the patient's symptoms and condition can be delivered to the patient's home, making the service available regardless of the region.



AGA is most common in middle-aged men in their 30s, 40s, and beyond, but it is not uncommon for cases to occur even in their 20s.

In addition, AGA is a progressive alopecia and there is a limit to the number of hair cycles in a lifetime.

If you are concerned about a receding hairline or feel that your hair has lost its elasticity and become thinner, please consult a specialist as soon as possible.

If you are too busy with work to visit the clinic or feel psychological resistance to visiting the clinic, please feel free to contact Men's Pride Clinic, which supports online medical care.